Invited Conference Presentations
- 33. T.B. Norris, “Dynamics of Photon-Assisted Transport in Quantum Cascade Lasers,” Fundamental Optical Processes in Semiconductors, Big Sky 2007.
- 32. T.B. Norris, “Nanoacoustics: towards imaging nanostructures using picosecond ultrasonics.” Invited paper presented at the Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, 2006.
- 31. B.C. Daly, T.B. Norris, S. Pau, D. Tennant, J. Taylor, and J. Bower, “Nanoscale Coherent Acoustic Phonon Imaging,” invited paper presented at SPIE, San Jose, 2006.
- 30. Theodore B. Norris and Brian C. Daly, “Nanoacoustics: Propagation and Imaging with THz Coherent Phonons,” invited paper JFH2-1 presented at the International Quantum Electronics Conference, Tokyo, 2005.
- 29. Theodore B. Norris , Brian C. Daly, Niels C. Holme, Takashi Buma, Cyril Branciard, Stanley Pau, Donald M. Tennant, Joseph A. Taylor, John E. Bower, J. Chen and J.B. Khurgin, “Propagation, Diffraction, and Nanoscale Imaging with Coherent Acoustic Phonon Pulses,” presented at the Conference on Fundamental Optical Processes in Semiconductors, Estes Park, 2004.
- 28. Theodore B. Norris , Brian C. Daly, Niels C. Holme, Takashi Buma, Cyril Branciard, Stanley Pau, Donald M. Tennant, Joseph A. Taylor, and John E. Bower “Imaging Nanostructures with Picosecond Ultrasonic Pulses,” presented at the 13th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Niigata, 2004.
- 27. T.B. Norris , Y.S. Lee, M. Kira, W. Hoyer, S.W. Koch, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs, “Carrier-Photon Entanglement in Semiconductor Microcavities,” presented at ILS, Tuscon, 2003.
- 26. T.B. Norris, “Dynamics of Spectral Hole Burning in Self-Organized Quantum Dot Amplifiers,” invited talk presented at the OSA Topical Meeting on Nonlinear Optics, Hawaii, 2002.
- 25. P. Bhattacharya, T. Norris, and J. Singh, “Carrier Dynamics in In(Ga)As/Ga(Al)As Self-Organized Quantum Dots,” invited paper presented at Photonics West 2002.
- 24. J. Urayama, T. B. Norris, H. Jiang, J. Singh, and P. Bhattacharya, “Differential Transmission Measurement of Phonon Bottleneck in Self-Assembled Quantum Dot Intersubband Relaxation,” Phonon 2001: Tenth International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, Hanover, NH, 2001.
- 23. Y.-S. Lee, T. Meade, T.B. Norris, and A. Galvanauskas, “Tunable Narrow-Band Terahertz Generation from Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate,” invited paper QMM1, presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2001.
- 22. A. B. Ruffin, J. Whitaker, T.B. Norris, J. Decker, L. Sanchez-Palencia, L. Le Hors, and J. Van Rudd, “Time Reversal and Two-Dimensional Object Reconstruction Using Single-Cycle Terahertz Pulses,” invited paper presented at the LEOS Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, 2000.
- 21. T.B. Norris, “Adaptive Optics for Multiphoton Confocal Microscopy,” invited paper WP1, presented at the OSA Annual Meeting, Providence, October 2000.
- 20. S. Krishna, P. Bhattacharya, J. Urayama, T. Norris, and P.J. McCann, “Carrier Dynamics in Self-Organized InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots,” invited paper presented at the IEEE/LEOS Workshop on Semiconductor Lasers, San Francisco, May 2000.
- 19. Y.-S. Lee, T.B. Norris, M. Kira, F. Jahnke, S.W. Koch, A. Maslov, D.S. Citrin, J. Prineas, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs, “Coherent Control and Quantum Correlations in Semiconductor Microcavities,” invited paper presented at the SPIE Photonics West’00 International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors IV, San Jose, January 2000.
- 18. T.B. Norris, “Coherent Control of Strongly Coupled Semiconductor Microcavities,” invited paper TuB5, ILS-99 (International Laser Science Conference), Santa Clara, September 1999.
- 17. T.B. Norris, “Ultrashort Pulses for Multiphoton Confocal Microscopy,” invited talk at the Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Beyond Diagnostics, Ann Arbor, September 1999.
- 16. T.B. Norris, “Coherent Control and Quantum Correlations in Semiconductor Microcavities,” invited paper presented at the 2nd NSF-CNRS Rendez-vous on Ultrafast Science and Technology, Paris, July 1999.
- 15. T.B. Norris, “Coherent Control of Excitons in Semiconductor Microcavities,” invited paper QTuD2, OSA Topical Meeting on Quantum Optoelectronics, Snowmass, April 1999.
- 14. T.B. Norris, “Excitons in Semiconductor Microcavities,” 3 invited lectures presented at the 50th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics “Semiconductor Quantum Optoelectronics: From Quantum Physics to Smart Devices,” University of St. Andrews, Scotland, June 1998.
- 13. T.B. Norris, “Coherent Control of Normal Modes in Strongly Coupled Microcavities,” invited paper presented at the International Workshop on Coherent Control of Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors,” University of Illinois at Chicago, May 1998.
- 12. T. Norris, “An Ultrafast Near-field Optical Probe for Studies of Semiconductor Nanostructures,” invited paper presented at the 25th Annual Spring Symposium, Michigan Chapter of the American Vacuum Society, Ann Arbor, May 1998.
- 11. A.H. Buist, G.J. Brakenhoff, T.B. Norris, J. Squier, Mand M. Muller, “Ultrafast Laser Requirements for Biological Applications from Two-Photon to Molecular Relaxation Imaging,” invited paper 3269-18 presented at the SPIE Photonics West Lase’98 Conference, San Jose, 1998.
- 10. T.B. Norris, “Optical Switches and Nanoelectronics,” invited paper presented at the Manipulation of Coherent Quantum Phenomena Workshop, Princeton, May 1997.
- 9. T.B. Norris, “Microcavities and Exciton Dynamics,” invited paper presented at CLEO/Pacific Rim, Chiba, 1997.
- 8. T.B. Norris, J.-K. Rhee, D.S. Citrin, E. Hanamura, M. Nishioka, and Y. Arakawa, “Coherence Transfer of Cavity Polaritons,” invited paper presented at the OSA Annual Meeting, Rochester, 1996.
- 7. T.B. Norris, “Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Carriers and Excitons in Semiconductor Microcavities,” invited paper presented at the 5th ISSP International Symposium, Frontiers in Laser Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Tokyo, 1995.
- 6. T.B. Norris, “Coherent and Incoherent Dynamics of Excitons in Semiconductor Microcavities,” invited paper presented at the Fourth International Meeting on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems, Cortona, 1995.
- 5. T.B. Norris, “Ultrafast High Spatial Resolution,” invited tutorial presented at the ILS-XI/OSA Annual Meeting, Portland, 1995.
- 4. T.B. Norris, “Overshoot Dynamics in GaAs Observed Using THz Radiation,” invited paper presented at the LEOS ’93 meeting, San Jose, 1993.
- 3. T.B. Norris, “Terahertz Pulse Generation and Amplification: Carrier Transport Effects, ” invited paper presented at the OSA Annual Meeting, Toronto, 1993.
- 2. T.B. Norris, W. Sha, and J. Rhee, “Time-Resolved Observation of Ballistic Electrons in a Quantum Well,” invited paper QWB1 at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Anaheim, CA, 1992.
- 1. T.B. Norris, “Parallel Transport in GaAs Quantum Wells Studied by Femtosecond Optical Spectroscopy,” invited paper presented at the High Speed/High Frequency Optoelectronics Conference (Engineering Foundation), Palm Coast, FL, 1991.