C.-C. Chen and J.F. Whitaker, “An optically-interrogated microwave-Poynting-vector sensor using cadmium manganese telluride,” accepted for publication in Optics Express, May 2010
D.-J. Lee, J.-J. Kang, N.-W. Kang, W.-S. Kim, W.-S. Park, E.J. Rothwell, and J.F. Whitaker, “Photonic-assisted reactive-near-field analysis of a 3 dB-tapered Ka-band array antenna,” J. Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, vol. 10, pp. 18-24, Mar. 2010.
C.-C. Chen, D.-J. Lee, T. Pollock, and J.F. Whitaker, “Pulsed-terahertz reflectometry for health monitoring of ceramic thermal barrier coatings,” Optics Express, vol. 18, pp. 3477-3486, Feb. 2010.
D.-J. Lee and J.F. Whitaker, “Bandwidth enhancement of electro-optic sensing using high-even-order harmonic sidebands,” Optics Express, vol. 17, pp. 14909-14917, Aug. 2009.
J.B. Jackson, M Mourou, J. Labaune, J.F. Whitaker, I.N. Duling III, S.L. Williamson, C. Lavier, M. Menu, and G.A. Mourou, “Terahertz pulse imaging for tree-ring analysis: a preliminary study for dendrochronology applications,” Meas. Sci. Technol., vol. 20, pp. 075502-075511, July 2009.
D.J. Lee and J.F. Whitaker, “Analysis of Optical and Terahertz Multilayer Systems Using Microwave and Feedback Theory,” Microwave and Optics Tech. Lett., vol. 51, pp. 1308-1312, May 2009.
D.J. Lee and J.F. Whitaker, “Optimization of sideband modulation in optical-heterodyne-down-mixed electro-optic sensing,” Appl. Optics, vol. 48, pp. 1583-1590, Mar. 2009.
D.J. Lee and J.F. Whitaker, “An optical-fiber-scale electro-optic probe for minimally invasive high-frequency field sensing,” Optics Express, vol. 16, pp. 21587-21597, Dec. 2008.
D.J. Lee, J.J. Kang, and J.F. Whitaker, “Vector Near-Field Measurements Using Optimized Electrical and Photonic Down-Conversion,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 56, pp. 3231-3238, Dec. 2008.
D.J. Lee, M. H. Crites, and J.F. Whitaker, “Electro-optic microwave-field probing using a wavelength-tunable modulation depth,” Meas. Sci. Technol., vol. 19, pp. 115301-115309, Nov. 2008.
D.J. Lee, and J.F. Whitaker, “Bandwidth Enhancement of Electro-Optic Field Sensing Using Photonic Down-Mixing with Harmonic Sidebands,” Optics Express, vol. 16, pp. 14771-14779, Sep. 2008.
J.J. Kang, D.J. Lee, C.C. Chen, J.F. Whitaker, and E.J. Rothwell, “Compact Mobile RFID Antenna Design and Analysis Using Photonic-assisted Vector Near-field Characterization,” IEEE 2008 International Conference on RFID Digest, pp. 81-88, Apr. 2008.
D.-J. Lee, J.-J. Kang, C.-C. Chen, and J.F. Whitaker, “Vector near-field measurement system using an electro-optic microcavity and electrical downconversion,” IEEE 2008 MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, pp. 1589-1592, June 2008.
D.-J. Lee and J.F. Whitaker, “Simplified electro-optic sensing utilizing the Fabry-Perot effect,” IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., vol. 20, pp. 866-868, May 2008.
C.-C. Chen and J.F. Whitaker, “Combined nonlinear-optical electric and magnetic field response in a cadmium manganese telluride crystal,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 92, pp. 101119-1-101119-3, Mar. 2008.
D.-J. Lee and J.F. Whitaker, “Simplified electro-optic sensing utilizing the Fabry-Perot effect,” accepted to IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., Feb. 2008.
D.J. Lee, M. H. Crites, and J.F. Whitaker, “Reflection-mode electro-optic sensing of microwave fields with a wavelength-tunable modulation depth,” submitted to a joint special issue of J. Lightwave Tech. and Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Jan. 2008.
J.B. Jackson, M. Mourou, J.F. Whitaker, I.N. Duling III, S.L. Williamson, M. Menu, and G.A. Mourou, “Terahertz imaging for non-destructive evaluation of mural paintings,” Opt. Comm., vol. 281, pp. 527-532 (2008).
C.-C. Chen and J.F. Whitaker, “Combined nonlinear-optical electric and magnetic field response in a cadmium manganese telluride crystal,” submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett., Dec. 2007.
J.J. Kang, D.J. Lee, J.F. Whitaker, and E.J. Rothwell, “Design of mobile RFID antenna and near field characterization using electro-optic field mapping system,” Proc. of the Institute of Webcasting, Internet Television and Telecommunication (IWIT), vol.5, No.1, pp. 91-95, Dec. 2007.
J.F. Whitaker, K. Yang, and C.-C. Chen, “Near-field microwave diagnostics with nonlinear-optical sensors,” in Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XI and Semiconductor Photodetectors IV, edited by Kong-Thon Tsen, Jin-Joo Song, Marshall J. Cohen, John W. Glesener, Proc. of SPIE, vol. 6471, pp. 64710U1-64710U9 (2007).
R.M. Reano, J.F. Whitaker, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Vector-component isolation of arbitrary modulating electric field in zincblende electro-optic probes,” J. Optical Society of America B, vol. 22, pp. 1719-1722 (Aug. 2005).
M.B. Steer, L.P.B. Katehi, S. Mohammadi, J.F. Whitaker, A.B. Yakovlev, “Architectures and prototyping laboratory for the development of space-based microwave power transmission systems,” URSI Radio Science Bulletin, vol. 311, pp. 7-15 (Dec. 2004).
R.M. Reano, J.F. Whitaker, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Nonlinear thermo-optic model for the characterization of optical self-heating in electro-optic semiconductors,” IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol. 40, pp. 1195-1202 (Sept. 2004).
J.A. Deibel and J.F. Whitaker, “A fiber-mounted polymer electro-optic-sampling field sensor,” IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 786-787, Oct. 2003.
R.M. Reano, D. Peroulis, J.F. Whitaker, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Electro/thermal measurements of RF MEMs capacitive switches,” IEEE 2003 MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, pp. 1923-1926.
J.F. Whitaker, K. Yang, R.M. Reano, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Electro-optic probing for microwave diagnostics,” invited review paper in IEICE Trans. on Electronics, vol. E86-C, special issue on “Recent Progress in Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Photonics Technologies,” pp. 1328-1337 (Jul. 2003).
J.F. Whitaker and K. Yang, “Electro-optic sampling and field mapping,” book chapter in Ultrafast Lasers, Technology and Applications, M.E. Fermann, A. Galvanauskas, and G. Sucha, eds., pp. 473-519, Marcel Dekker AG, New York, 2003.
J.F. Whitaker, K. Yang, R. Reano, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Electro-optic field mapping as a diagnostic tool for microwave circuits and antenna arrays,” Microwave Photonics 2002 Technical Digest, Tokyo: IEICE, pp. 73-76, November, 2002.
W. Batty, C.E. Christoffersen, A.B. Yakovlev, J.F. Whitaker, A. Mortazawi, A. Al-Zayed, M. Ozkar, S. Ortiz, R. Reano, K. Yang, L.P. Katehi, C.M. Snowden, and M.B. Steer, “Global Coupled EM-Electrical-Thermal Simulation and Experimental Validation for a Spatial Power Combining MMIC Array,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 50, pp. 2820-2833 (Dec. 2002)
J.A. Deibel, J.F. Whitaker, and D.C. Martin, “Pockels effect in solution-evaporated, electrically-poled Poly(g-benzyl-L-glutamate),” in OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Vol. 64, Organic Thin Films for Photonics Applications, J.P. Armistead, J.R.Heflin, A.K-Y. Jen, and R.A. Norwood, eds. (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 2001), pp. 138-144.
R. Reano, J.F. Whitaker, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Field-tunable probe for combined electric and magnetic field measurements,” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, New York: IEEE, pp. 1513-1516, June 2002.
R.M. Reano, J.F. Whitaker, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Resonant-cavity magnetic-field probe for millimeter-wave frequency-domain spatial field mapping,” in Ultrafast Phenomena XIII, R.D. Miller, M.M. Murnane, N.F. Scherer, and A.M. Weiner, eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 289-291, 2003.
A.B. Ruffin, J.V. Rudd, J. Decker, L. Sanchez-Palencia, L. LeHors, J.F. Whitaker, and T.B. Norris, “Inverse T-Ray Imaging,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 38, pp. 1110-1119 (Aug. 2002).
R.M. Reano, K. Yang, J.F. Whitaker, and L.P.B. Katehi, “Simultaneous measurements of electric and thermal fields utilizing an electrooptic semiconductor probe,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 49, pp. 2523-2531 (Dec. 2001).