Contributed Conference Presentations
- 155. B.C. Daly and T.B. Norris, “Ultrafast acoustics for imaging at the nanoscale,” presented at Phonons 2007 – 12th International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, Paris 2007; proceedings published in J. Physics: Conference Series 92, 012094 (2007).
- 15-20 July 2007, Paris
- 154. H. Choi, L. Diehl, M. Giovannini, J. Faist, F. Capasso, T.B. Norris, “Femtosecond Pump-Probe Studies of Carrier Transport and Gain Dynamics in Quantum Cascade Lasers,” accepted for publication in Physica Status Solidi. (Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors, Tokyo, July 2007).
- 153. E. Tkaczyk et al., “Two-photon, two-color in vivo flow cytometry to noninvasively monitor multiple circulating cell lines,” presented at the European Conference on Biomedical Optics, Munich, 2007.
- 152. Jing Yong Ye, Thommey Thomas, Christine Tse, Marwa J. Zohdy, Istvan Majoros, Wojciech Lesniak, Lajos P. Balogh, Matthew O’Donnell, Theodore B. Norris, and James R. Baker, Jr., “Biomedical Applications of a Multifunctional Nano-Device for Enhanced Biosensing and Laser-Induced Optical Breakdown,” submitted to OSA Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics, Hangzhou, China, 2007.
- 151. Guoqing Chang, Charles J. Divin, Chi-Hung Liu, Steven L. Williamson, Almantas Galvanauskas, and Theodore B. Norris, “Radially polarized THz source employing velocity mismatched optical rectification,” to be presented at OSA Topical Meeting on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology, Orlando, 2007.
- 150. Ultrafast postdeadline
- 149.CLEO 3
- 148. CLEO 2
- 147. Hyunyong Choi, Zong-Kwei Wu, Theodore B. Norris, Laurent Diehl, Federico Capasso, Jérôme Faist, “Photon-Driven Transport in Quantum Cascade Lasers,” paper CTuO3, proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, 2007.
- 146. Eric R. Tkaczyk; Cheng Frank Zhong; Jing Yong Ye; Steve Katnik; Andrzej Myc; Thommey Thomas; Kathryn E. Luker; Gary D. Luker; James R. Baker, Jr.; Theodore B. Norris, “Two-photon, two-color in vivo flow cytometry to noninvasively monitor multiple circulating cell lines”, Proc. of SPIE on Novel Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical Applications III, Vol. 6631, 66310T (2007)
- 145. Hyunyong Choi, Zong-Kwei Wu, Theodore B. Norris, Tobias Gresch, Marcella Giovannini, Jérôme Fais, Laurent Diehl and Federico Capasso, “Ultrafast Gain Dynamics in a Quantum Cascade Laser,” paper JTuD98 presented at CLEO/QELS, Long Beach, 2006.
- 144. Hyunyong Choi, Zong-Kwei Wu, Theodore B. Norris, Tobias Gresch, Marcella Giovannini, Jérôme Fais, Laurent Diehl and Federico Capasso, “Time-Resolved Studies of Gain Dynamics in Quantum Cascade Laser,” Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Vienna, 2006.
- 143. Z.-K. Wu, H. Choi, T. Norris, S. Chakraborti, X. Su, and P. Bhattacharya, “Electron Dynamics in N-Doped In0.4/Ga0.6As/GaAs Quantum Dot Infrared Detector Structures,” paper QTuK3 presented at QELS, Long Beach, 2006.
- 142. Narsingh Singh, Ted Norris, Raj Singh, Andre Berghmans, David Knuteson, David Kahler, Brian Wagner, Jack Hawkins, “Dielectric Crystals for THz Wavelength Region,” International Symposium on Advanced Dielectric Materials and Electronic Devices, 2006.
- 141. Eric R. Tkaczyk, Augustin Mignot, Jing-Yong Ye, Theodore B. Norris, “Increasing two-photon fluorescence signals by coherent control ,” Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences VI, ed. by Ammasi Periasamy and Peter T.C. So, Proc. of SPIE vol. 6089, 608910 (2006), proceedings of BIOS 2006, San Jose. This paper received the Best Student Paper award of the BiOS meeting, sponsored by the International Biomedical Optics Society (IBOS).
- 140. G. Q. Chang, H. G. Winful, A. Galvanauskas, and T. B. Norris, “Self-similar parabolic beam formation and propagation”, paper FThH5, presented at OSA annual meeting, Tucson, 2005.
- 139. B.C. Daly, T.B. Norris, J. Chen, J.B. Khurgin, S. Pau, D.M. Tennant, J.A. Taylor, and J.E. Bower, “Coherent Acoustic Phonons in Silicon: Propagation Studies and Imaging Applications,” paper QThI3 presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2005.
- 138. Z.K. Wu, H. Choi, T.B. Norris, A.D. Stiff-Roberts, and P. Bhattacharya, “Ultrafast Electronic Dynamics in Unipolar N-Doped InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Structures,” paper QThC6 presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2005.
- 137. Y.S. Lee, W.C. Hurlbut, N. Amer, B.J. Norton, and T.B. Norris, “THz Pulse Shaping and Ellipticity Control via Optical Rectification in Nonlinear Optical Crystals,” paper QTuI4 presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2005.
- 136. C.F. Zhong, T. Thomas, J.Y. Ye, A. Myc, A. Bielinska, J.R. Baker Jr., and T.B. Norris, “Quantitative Two-Photon Flow Cytometry,” paper JThE35 presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2005.
- 135. C.F. Zhong, T. Thomas, J.Y. Ye, Z. Cao, A. Myc, J.R. Baker Jr., and T.B. Norris “Multiphoton In Vivo Flow Cytometry,” paper CFF1 presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2005.
- 134. T. Buma and T.B. Norris, “Coded Excitation of Broadband Terahertz Using Optical Rectification in Poled Lithium Niobate,” paper CThX7 presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2005.
- 133. J.Y. Ye, M.T. Myaing, T.B. Norris, T. Thomas, I. Majoros, A. Kotlyar, J.R. Baker Jr., W. Wadsworth, G. Bouwmans, J. Knight, and P. Russell, “Dual-Clad Photonic-Crystal Fiber Based Scanning Microscopy,” paper CWP2 presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2005.
- 132. Cheng Frank Zhong, Jing Yong Ye, Andrzej Myc, James R. Baker, and Theodore B. Norris, “In Vivo Flow Cytometry,” Frontiers in Optics (OSA Annual Meeting), Rochester, 2004.
- 131. J.Y. Ye, M.T. Myaing, F.C. Zhong, T.P. Thomas, A. Myc, A. Bielinska, J. Kukowska-Latallo, I. Majoros, A. Kotlyar, P. Cao, J.R. Baker, Jr., and T.B. Norris, “In vivo Quantitative Biosensing Based on Multiphoton Excitation,” presented at SPIE-NIH Optical Imaging 2004, Bethesda, 2004.
- 130. Mon Thiri Myaing, Jing Yong Ye, Theodore B. Norris, Thommey Thomas, Kim Candido, Alina Kotlyar, James Beals, Peter Cao, Balazs Keszler, and James R. Baker Jr., “Quantitative, in vivo fluorescence measurements with a two-photon fiber probe,” presented at CLEO, San Francisco, 2004.
- 129. Jing Yong Ye, Christine Tse, Guoqing Chang, Marwa J. Zohdy , Kyle W. Hollman, Matthew O’Donnell, James R. Baker, Jr., and Theodore B. Norris, “Trapping cavitation bubbles with a self-focused laser beam,” presented at CLEO, San Francisco, 2004.
- 128. Guoqing Chang, Almantas Galvanauskas, Herbert G. Winful , and Theodore B. Norris, “Dependence of parabolic pulse evolution and compression on SRS threshold,” presented at CLEO, San Francisco, 2004.
- 127. K. Kim, J. Singh, P. Bhattacharya, T. B. Norris, and U. Hohenester, “Red shift of the excited state due to a non-degenerate biexciton in self-organized quantum dots,” presented at QELS, San Francisco, 2004.
- 126. M.T. Myaing, J.Y. Ye, T.B. Norris, T. Thomas, J.R. Baker Jr., W.J. Wadsworth, G. Bouwmans, J.C. Knight, P. StJ. Russell, “Two-photon fluorescence Biosensing with conventional and photonic crystal fibers,” Photonics West 2004, Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Applications IV, San Jose 2004.
- 125. C. Tse, M. Zohdy, J.Y. Ye, T.B. Norris, L. Balogh, K. Hollman, and M. O’Donnell, “Monitoring LIOB-Induced Bubble Characteristics in Gelatin using High-Frequency Ultrasound, submitted to the SPIE Medical Imaging 2004 conference, San Diego, 2004.
- 124. Z.-K. Wu, K. Kim, T.B. Norris, S. Ghosh, and P. Bhattacharya, “Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Tunneling Injection Quantum Dot Lasers,” paper QTHI2, presented at QELS, Baltimore, 2003.
- 123. K. Kim, T.B. Norris, S. Ghosh, J. Singh, P. Bhattacharya, “Temperature-Dependent Carrier Distributions and Level Degeneracy in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots, ” paper QthI6, presented at QELS, Baltimore, 2003.
- 122. B.C. Daly, N.C. Holme, M.T. Myaing, and T.B. Norris, “Diffraction-Induced Transformation of Picosecond Acoustic Pulses,” paper CWE7, presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2003.
- 121. G. Chang, H.G. Winful, and T.B. Norris, “Optimization of Supercontinuum Generation in Photonic Crystal Fibers for Pulse Compression,” paper CthV4, presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2003.
- 120. T. Buma and T.B. Norris, “Time-Reversal 3-D Imaging Using Single-Cycle THz Pulses,” paper CMP4, presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2003.
- 119. M.T. Myaing, J.Y. Ye, T.B. Norris, T. Thomas, A. Kotylar, A. Patri, J.R. Baker, Jr., W.J. Wadsworth, R.M. Percival, G. Bouwmans, J.C. Knight, and P. St.J. Russell, “Enhanced Biosensing Using Photonic Crystal Fibers,” paper CMG2, presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2003.
- 118. Z.-K. Wu, A. Stiff-Roberts, P. Bhattacharya, and T.B. Norris, “Two-photon absorption in a quantum dot infrared photodetector,” paper CthM11, presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2003.
- 117. K. Kim, T. Norris, J. Singh, P. Bhattacharya, “Temperature-dependent transparency conditions and spatial degeneracy in self-organized quantum dots,” paper WC4 presented at the OSA Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics, Washington, DC, 2003.
- 116. M. Kira, W. Hoyer, S.W. Koch, Y.S. Lee, T.B. Norris, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs, “Incoherent Pulse Generation in Semiconductor Microcavities,” Nonlinear Optics and Excitation Kinetics in Semiconductors Conference, Karlsruhe, 2003.
- 115. P. Bhattacharya, S. Ghosh, Z.-K. Wu, and T. Norris, “High Speed Quantum Dot Lasers,” COMMAD 2002.
- 114. M. O’Donnell, S. Milas, J.Y. Ye, T.B. Norris, L. Balogh, K. Hollman, and S. Emelianov, “Acoustic Detection of LIOB in Dendrimer Nanocomposites: Implications for Site Targeted Molecular Diagnostics and Therapeutics,” IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Munich, 2002.
- 113. L. Balogh, J. Y. Ye, T.B. Norris, J. Baker, Jr., S. Milas, K. Hollman, S. Emelianov, M. O’Donnell, “Enhancement and Acoustic Characterization of Laser-Induced Optical Breakdown of Metal/Dendrimer Nanocomposites,” Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 2002.
- 112. J.Y. Ye, L. Balogh, and T.B. Norris, “Enhancement of Laser-Induced Optical Breakdown using Metal/Dendrimer Nanocomposites,” ,” paper CMT5 presented at CLEO, Long Beach, 2002.
- 111. S. Ghosh, P. Bhattacharya, J. Urayama, Z.-K. Wu, T. Norris, and K. Kamath, “Tunnel Injection Quantum Dot Lasers,” ,” paper CthO52 presented at CLEO, Long Beach, 2002.
- 110. K. Kim, J. Urayama, T.B. Norris, J. Singh, J. Phillips, and P. Bhattacharya, “Gain Dynamics and Spectral Hole Burning in In(Ga)As Self-Organized Quantum Dots,” ,” paper QWD6 presented at QELS, Long Beach, 2002.
- 109. Y.S. Lee and T.B. Norris, “Terahertz Pulse Shaping and Optimal Waveform Generation in Poled Ferroelectric Crystals,” ,” paper QWA24 presented at QELS, Long Beach, 2002.
- 108. J. Urayama, T.B. Norris, H. Jiang, J. Singh, and P. Bhattacharya, “Time-resolved Measurement of Temperature-Dependent Carrier Dynamics in Self-Organized InGaAs Quantum Dots,” paper QThB7 presented at QELS, Long Beach, 2002.
- 107. N.C.R. Holme, M.T. Myaing, and T.B. Norris, “Gouy Phase Shift of Single-Cycle Picosecond Acoustic Pulses,” paper presented at the Thirteenth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Vancouver, 2002.
- 106. K. Kim, T.B. Norris, and P. Bhattachrya, “Gain Dynamics and Spectral Hole-Burning in In(Ga)As Self-Assembled Quantum Dots,” presented at the LEOS Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2001.
- 105. J. Urayama, T.B. Norris, J. Singh, and P. Bhattacharya, “Observation of Phonon Bottleneck in Qauntum Dot Electronic Relaxation,” presented at the Alaska Meeting on Fundamental Optical Processes in Semiconductors (AMFOPS), Girdwood,2001.
- 104. A.B. Ruffin, J. Decker, L. Sanchez-Palencia, L. LeHors, J.F. Whitaker, T.B. Norris, and J. Van Rudd, “Time-Reversed Image Synthesis of Dielectric Objects,” paper CThS2 presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2001.
- 103. Y.S. Lee, T.B. Norris, G. Khitrova, H.M. Gibbs, C. Sieh, T. Meier,S.W. Koch, and F. Jahnke, “Coherent Optical Nonlinearities in Normal Mode Microcavities,” paper QThL2 presented at QELS, Baltimore, 2001.
- 102. L. Sherman, J.Y. Ye, and T.B. Norris, “Adaptive Aberration Correction for Specimen-Induced Spherical Aberration,” paper CWE5 presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 2001.
- 101. J. Urayama, T.B. Norris, J. Singh, and P. Bhattacharya, “Time-Resolved Measurement of Phonon Bottleneck in Self-Organized Quantum Dot Relaxation,” paper QWC6 presented at QELS, Baltimore, 2001.
- 100. J. Urayama, T.B. Norris, J. Singh, and P. Bhattacharya, “Observation of Phonon Bottleneck in Qauntum Dot Electronic Relaxation,” presented at the OSA Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics, Lake Tahoe, 2001.
- 99. A. B. Ruffin, L. Sanchez-Palcenia, L. Le Hors, J. Whitaker, T.B. Norris, and J. Van Rudd, “THz Inaging via Time Reversal of Single-Cycle Pulses,” to be presented at the OSA Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics, Lake Tahoe, 2001.
- 98. S. Krishna, P. Bhattacharya, J. Singh, J. Urayama, T.B. Norris, P.J. McCann, and K. Namjou, “A Room Temperature Unipolar Quantum Dot Intersubband Long-Wavelength Laser (l=13um),” IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, San Juan, November 2000.
- 97. A. B. Ruffin, L. Sanchez-Palcenia, L. Le Hors, J. Van Rudd, J. Whitaker, and T.B. Norris, “Time Reversal and Object Reconstruction Using Single-Cycle Terahertz Pulses,” presented at the OSA Annual Meeting, Providence, October 2000.
- 96. Y.-S. Lee, T.B. Norris, A.V. Maslov, and D.S. Citrin, “Coherent Control and Nonlinear Interactions of Semiconductor Cavity Polaritons,” presented at the Ultrafast Phenomena Conference, Charleston, 2000.
- 95. T. Meade, Y.-S. Lee, V. Perlin, H. Winful, T.B. Norris, and A. Galvanauskas, “Generation of Narrow-Band Terahertz Pulses by Optical Rectification in Periodiaclly-Poled Lithium Niobate,” presented at the Ultrafast Phenomena Conference, Charleston, 2000.
- 94. T.B. Norris, Y.-S. Lee, T. Meade, M. DeCamp, C. Herne, V. Perlin, H. Winful, and A. Galvanauskas, “Narrow-Band THz Waveforms from Optical Rectification of Femtosecond Optical Pulses in Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate,” postdeadline paper presented at the Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics, San Francisco, May 2000.
- 93. J. Urayama, T.B. Norris, K. Kamath, and P. Bhattacharya, “Evidence of Interdot Carrier Coupling in In0.4Ga0.6As Self-Assembled Quantum Dots,” paper QMJ5, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, San Francisco, May 2000.
- 92. Y.S. Lee, T.B. Norris, M. Kira, F. Jahnke, S.W. Koch, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs, “Qauntum Correlation Induced Intraband Coherences in a Quantum-Well Microcavity,” paper QtuB6, , Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, San Francisco, May 2000.
- 91. M.T. Myaing, J. Urayama, and T.B. Norris, “Nonlinear Propagation of Negatively Chirped Pulses; Maximizing the Intensity at the Ouput of a Fiber Probe,” paper CThM25, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, May 2000.
- 90. Y.S. Lee, T.B. Norris, M. Kira, F. Jahnke, S.W. Koch, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs, “Coherent Control of Cavity-Polariton Secondary Emission, paper QThQ4, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, San Francisco, May 2000.
- 89. T. Meade, Y.-S. Lee, V. Perlin, H. Winful, T.B. Norris, and A. Galvanauskas, “Generation of Narrow-Band Terahertz Pulses by Optical Rectification in Periodically-Poled Lithium Niobate,” presented at the 11th Int. Symp. on Space Terahertz Technology, Ann Arbor, 2000.
- 88. Y.-S. Lee, T.B. Norris, M. Kira, F. Jahnke, S.W. Koch, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs,”Intraband Quantum Correlations in a Coherently Controlled Semiconductor Quantum Well Microcavity,” presented at the 6th International Conference on Nonlinear Optics and Excitation Kinetics in Semiconductors, Marburg, April 2000.
- 87. L. Sherman, O. Albert, G. Mourou, T.B. Norris, and G. Vdovin, “Adaptive Compensation of Aberrations in Ultrafast 3D Microscopy using a Deformable Mirror ,” presented at the BiOS 2000 Photonics West Conference, San Jose, January 2000.
- 86. Y.-S. Lee, T.B. Norris, M. Kira, F. Jahnke, S.W. Koch, A. Maslov, D.S. Citrin, J. Prineas, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs, “Correlations and Coherent Control of Normal Modes in a Microcavity,” International Conference on Excitons in Confined Systems, Ascona, Switzerland, 1999.
- 85. O. Albert, M.H. Meunier, G. Cheriaux, T. Norris, G. Mourou, and G. Vdovin, “Aberration Correction in Ultrafast Scanning Multiphoton Confocal Microscopy ,” International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, Durham (UK), 1999.
- 84. Y.-S. Lee, T.B. Norris, A. Maslov, D.S. Citrin, J. Prineas, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs, “Coherent Control of Polaritons in a Quantum-Well Microcavity,” paper QMF1, QELS, Baltimore, 1999.
- 83. L.R. Bruner, O. Albert, G. Cheriaux, G. Mourou, T. Norris, and G. Vdovin, “Linear Pre-Compensation of SPM-Induced Pulse Distortions with a Deformable Mirror,”paper CTuR3, CLEO, Baltimore, 1999.
- 82. M.H. Meunier, O. Albert, G. Cheriaux, T. Norris, G. Mourou, and G. Vdovin, “Aberration Correction in Scanning Ultrafast Confocal Microscopy using a Deformable Mirror,” paper CME2, CLEO, Baltimore, 1999.
- 81. Y.-S. Lee, A. Maslov, T.B. Norris, D.S. Citrin, J. Prineas, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs, “Coherent Control of Normal Modes in Quantum Well Semiconductor Microcavity,” paper FH6, OSA/ILS-XIV, 14th Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, 1998.
- 80. T.S. Sosnowski, J. Uruyama, T.B. Norris, H. Jiang, J. Singh, K. Kamath, and P.Bhattacharya, “Ultrafast Carrier Capture and Relaxation in InGaAsSelf-Organized Quantum Dots,” paper QThC4, International Quantum Electronics Conference, San Francisco, 1998.
- 79. Y.-S. Lee, T.B. Norris, A. Maslov, D.S. Citrin, J. Prineas, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs, “Coherent Control of Normal Modes in a Semiconductor Microcavity,” postdeadline paper QPD3, International Quantum Electronics Conference, San Francisco, 1998.
- 78. T.S. Sosnowski, T.B. Norris, H. Jiang, J. Singh, K. Kamath, and P.Bhattacharya, “Ultrafast Carrier Capture and Relaxation in InGaAsSelf-Organized Quantum Dots,” paper RMB2, OSA Workshop on Radiative Processes and Dephasing in Semiconductors, Coeur d’Alene, 1998.
- 77. K. Kamath, H. Jiang, D. Klotzkin, J. Phillips, T. Sosnowski, T. Norris, J. Singh, and P. Bhattacharya, “Strain Tensor, Electronic Spectra, and Carrier Dynamcis in In(Ga)As/GaAs Self-Assembled Quantum Dots,” Proceedings of 24th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, 1997.
- 76. T.S. Sosnowski, T.B. Norris, H. Jiang, J. Singh, K. Kamath, and P.Bhattacharya, “Ultrafast Carrier Capture and Relaxation in InGaAsSelf-Organized Quantum Dots,” postdeadline paper, OSA/ILS-XIII, 13th Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference, Long Beach CA.
- 75. A. Braun, T. Sosnowski, S. Kane, and T. Norris, “Tunable Third-Order Phase Compensation by Refraction from an Intra-Grating-Pair Parallel Plate,” OSA Annual Meeting, paper MKK3, Long Beach, 1997.
- 74. T.S. Sosnowski, T.B. Norris, P. Grenier, and J.F. Whitaker, “Defect-Enhanced Auger Recombination and High-Carrier-Density Phenomena in Low-Temperature-Grown GaAs,” paper JWA7, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 1997.
- 73. D. S. Citrin and T. B. Norris, “Optical switching at 100-Gb/srates via coherent control of excitons in a semiconductor microcavity,” paper PThC5, Photonics in Switching, Stockholm, Sweden, April 1997.
- 72. D. Klotzkin, K. Kamath, T. Sosnowski, J. Phillips, T. Norris, and P. Bhattacharya, “Modulation Properties and the Phonon Bottleneck in Self-Organized Single and Multilayer InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Room Temperature Lasers,” 16th Biennial IEEE/Cornell University Conference, 1997.
- 71. K. Kamath, D. Klotzkin, T. Sosnowski, H. Jiang, T. Norris, J. Singh, P. Bhattacharya, M. Dutta, M. Salib, G. Kioseogluo, and A. Petrou, “Carrier Capture and Recombination Dynamics in High-Speed Single-Mode Self-Organized InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Lasers,” 8th Annual Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures, 1997.
- 70. K. Kamath, D. Klotzkin, T. Sosnowski, J. Phillips, T. Norris, and P. Bhattacharya, “Carrier Dynamics and Modulation Characteristics of InGaAs/GaAs Self-Organized Quantum Dot Lasers,” Device Research Conference, 1997.
- 69. K. Kamath, T. Sosnowski, H. Jiang, N. Chervela, T. Norris, J. Singh, and P. Bhattacharya, “Carrier Dynamics in Self-Assembled GaInAs/GaAs Single- and Multi-Quantum Dot Layers,” paper J5, Electronic Materials Conference, Fort Collins, 1997.
- 68. T.S. Sosnowski, T.B. Norris, H.H. Wang, P. Grenier, J.F. Whitaker, and C.Y. Sung, “High-Carrier-Density Pump-Probe Measurements of Low-Temperature-Grown GaAs,” OSA Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics, paperUWB5, Lake Tahoe, 1997.
- 67. R.K. Lai, J.-R. Hwang, J. Nees, T.B. Norris, and J.F. Whitaker, “Ultrahigh-Sensitivity, Ultrafast-Response Photoconductive Probe,” OSA Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics, paper UWA6, Lake Tahoe, 1997.
- 66. S. Smith, N.C.R. Holme, R. Kopelman, B. Orr, and T. Norris, “Ultrafast Measurements in GaAs Thin Films using NSOM,” presented at NFO-4, Jerusalem, 1997.
- 65. K. Kamath, J. Phillips, T. Sosnowski, X. Zhang, T. Norris, and P. Bhattacharya, “Room Temperature Operation of MBE Self-Organized InGaAs Quantum Dot Lasers,” LEOS Annual Meeting, 1996.
- 64. G.J. Brakenhoff, T.S Sosnowski, A.H. Buist, T.B. Norris, J. Squier and M. Muller. “Double pulse fluorescence excitation for the imaging of molecular relaxation,” OSA Annual Meeting, paper ThE6, Rochester, 1996.
- 63. G.J. Brakenhoff, T.S. Sosnowski, A.H. Buist, T.B. Norris, J. Squier, and M. Muller, “Double Pulse Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements,” presented at the 3-D Imaging Sciences Conference, Oxford, 1996.
- 62. G.J. Brakenhoff, T.S. Sosnowski, A.H. Buist, T. Norris, J. Squier and M. Muller, “Double pulse fluorescence lifetime measurements,” 2nd International Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1996.
- 61. A. Braun, S. Kane, and T. Norris, “Compensation of SPM-Induced Pulse Distortions in Chirped-Pulse Amplification Systems,” paper TuE4, Tenth OSA Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Phenomena, San Diego, 1996.
- 60. S. Smith, N.C.R. Holme, M. Kwok, B.G. Orr, R. Kopelman, and T.B. Norris, “Ultrafast Equal-Pulse Correlation Measurements in GaAs Structures with a Near-Field Microscope,” paper TuE43, Tenth OSA Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Phenomena, San Diego, 1996.
- 59. J.-K. Rhee, T.B. Norris, D.S. Citrin, Y. Arakawa, M. Nishioka, and E. Hanamura, “Coherence Transfer in Exciton-Exciton Scattering in a Semiconductor Microcavity,” paper ThB1, Tenth OSA Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Phenomena, San Diego, 1996.
- 58. J.-R. Hwang, R.K. Lai, J. Nees, T. Norris, and J.F. Whitaker, “Photoconductive Sampling Through Insulating Layers with Microvolt Sensitivity, ” postdeadline paper CPD6 presented at CLEO, Anaheim, 1996.
- 57. S. Smith, M. Kwok, B.G. Orr, R. Kopelman, and T.B. Norris, “Decreased Depth of Field in Near-Field Microscopy,” paper CTuL5 presented at CLEO, Anaheim, 1996.
- 56. S. Kane, A. Braun, and T.B. Norris, “Compensation of SPM-Induced Pulse Distortions in Chirped-Pulse Amplification,” paper CTuL6 presented at CLEO, Anaheim, 1996.
- 55. C.Y. Sung, H.H. Wang, T.B. Norris, and J.F. Whitaker, “Ultrafast Electron and Hole Trapping Times and Defect Band Saturation Dynamics in Low-Temperature-Grown GaAs, paper CTho6 presented at CLEO, Anaheim, 1996.
- 54. C.Y. Sung, T.B. Norris, Y. Lam, J. Singh, X.R. Zhang, and P.K. Bhattacharya, “Gain Recovery Dynamics: Femtosecond Time-Resolved Spectral Hole Burning and Carrier Capture in a Separate-Confinement QW Laser Structure,” paper CMH6 presented at CLEO, Anaheim, 1996.
- 53. T.B. Norris, J.F. Whitaker, C.Y. Sung, H.H. Wang, and T. Sosnowski, “Time-Resolved Electron and Hole Trapping and Trap Saturation Dynamics in LT-GaAs,” presented at the AFOSR Workshop on Nonstoichiometric GaAs and Related Materials, Santa Barbara, 1996.
- 52. J.F. Whitaker, H.H. Wang, P. Grenier, T.B. Norris, Z. Liliental-Weber, W. Walukiewicz, M. Almonte, A. Prasad and H. Fujioka, “Ultrafast Optical Response: Ion-Implanted GaAs vs. LT-GaAs”, presented at the AFOSR Workshop on Nonstoichiometric GaAs and Related Materials, Santa Barbara, 1996.
- 51. T.S. Sosnowski, P. Stephens, and T.B. Norris, “Generation of 30-fs Pulses Throughout the Visible Spectral Region,” paper MMM5 presented at the ILS-XI/OSA Annual Meeting, Portland, 1995.
- 50. J.-K. Rhee, T.S. Sosnowski, A.-C. Tien, and T.B. Norris, “Real-Time Phase Measurement of Femtosecond Pulses Using Spectrally and Temporally Resolved Upconversion Technique,” paper MZZ4 presented at the ILS-XI/OSA Annual Meeting, Portland, 1995.
- 49. C.Y. Sung, T.B. Norris, X.K. Zhang, A. Afzali-Kushaa, and G.I. Haddad, “Population Inversion in Novel Stepped Quantum Well FIR Laser Structures,” paper TuX4 presented at the ILS-XI/OSA Annual Meeting, Portland, 1995.
- 48. J.-K. Rhee, D.S. Citrin, T.B. Norris, M. Nishioka, and Y. Arakawa, “Coherence Transfer and Radiative Dynamics in Strongly-Coupled Microcavities,” paper WJ6 presented at the ILS-XI/OSA Annual Meeting, Portland, 1995.
- 47. J.F. Whitaker, H.H. Wang, C.Y. Sung, T. Sosnowski, T.B. Norris, H. Fujioka, and Z. Liliental-Weber, “Ultrafast Carrier Response of Low-Temperature-Grown and Arsenic-Implanted GaAs,” invited paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, Vilnius, 1995.
- 46. C.Y. Sung, T.B. Norris, X.K. Zhang, Y.L. Lam, I. Vurgaftman, J. Sungh, and P.K. Bhattacharya, “Studies of Carrier Relaxation in Low Dimensional Structures,” presented at the Modulated Semiconductor Structures conference, Madrid, 1995.
- 45. C.Y. Sung, A. Afzali-Kushaa, T.B. Norris, X. Zhang, and G.I. Haddad, “Time-Resolved Femtosecond Intersubband Relaxations and Population Inversion in Stepped Quantum Wells,” presented at the International Conference on Hot Carriers in Semiconductors, Chicago, 1995.
- 44. S. Smith, B.G. Orr, R. Kopelman, and T.B. Norris, “Equal Pulse Correlation with Near-Field Microscopy,” presented at the Third International Conference on Near-Field Optics, Brno, Czechoslovakia, 1995.
- 43. X. Zhang, G.I. Haddad, J.P. Sun, A. Kushaa, C.Y. Sung, and T. Norris, “Population Inversion in Step Quantum Wells at 10-micron Wavelength,” paper VA-1 presented at the Device Research Conference, Charlottesville,1995.
- 42. J.-K. Rhee, T.S. Sosnowski, A.-C. Tien, and T.B. Norris, “Real-Time Dispersion Analyzer of Femtosecond Laser Pulses Using a Spectrally and Temporally Resolved Upconversion Technique,” postdeadline paper presented at CLEO, Baltimore, 1995.
- 41. C.Y. Sung, T.B. Norris, X.K. Zhang, M. Sneed, and P.K. Bhattacharya, “Time-Resolved Carrier Capture in Quantum Well Separate Confinement Heterostructures,” paper QFF3 presented at QELS, Baltimore, 1995.
- 40. S. Smith, B.G. Orr, R. Kopelman, and T.B. Norris, “Equal Pulse Correlation in GaAs Thin Films with Near-Field Microscopy,” paper QTuJ5 presented at QELS 1995, Baltimore.
- 39. J.-K. Rhee, R. Lai, T.B. Norris, Y. Arakawa, and M. Nishioka, “Nonlinear Vacuum Rabi Splitting in Semiconductor Microcavities,” paper QThI3 presented at QELS, Baltimore, 1995.
- 38. L.-M. Yang, T. Sosnowski, J. Squier, T.B. Norris, J. Nees, A. Migus, G. Mourou, M.L. Dennis, and I.N. Duling III, “Upconversion Chirped Pulse Amplification in a Multimode Tm:ZBLAN Fiber and Temporal Resolved Modal Analysis,” paper CMB3 presented at CLEO 1995, Baltimore.
- 37. T.B. Norris, C.Y. Sung, A. Afzali-Kushaa, and G.I. Haddad, “Intersubband Relaxation and Population Inversion in Stepped Quantum Wells,” postdeadline paper presented at the OSA Topical Meeting on Quantum Optoelectronics, Dana Point, 1995.
- 36. S. Smith, B.G. Orr, R. Kopelman, and T.B. Norris, “Equal Pulse Correlation in GaAs Thin Films with Near-Field Microscopy,” paper QThE16 presented at the OSA Topical Meeting on Quantum Optoelectronics, Dana Point, 1995.
- 35. J.-K. Rhee, R. Lai, T.B. Norris, Y. Arakawa, and M. Nishioka, “Nonlinear Vacuum Rabi Splitting in Semiconductor Microcavities,”paper QThA3 presented at the OSA Topical Meeting on Quantum Optoelectronics, Dana Point, 1995.
- 34. T.B. Norris, “Spatially Resolving Carrier Dynamics in LT-GaAs Thin Films using Near-Field Microscopy,” presented at the Workshop on Nonstoichiometric Semiconductors, New Orleans, 1995.
- 33. L.-M. Yang, T. Sosnowski, M.L. Stock, T.B. Norris, J. Squier, G. Mourou, M.L. Dennis, and I.N. Duling III, “Upconversion Chirped Pulse Amplification of Ultrashort Pulses using a Multimode Tm:ZBLAN Fiber,” presented at SPIE Photonics West / OE-Lase, San Jose, 1995.
- 32. S. Smith, B.G. Orr, R. Kopelman, and T.B. Norris, “Femtosecond Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope,” paper MHH3, Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Dallas, 1994.
- 31. G.J. Brakenhoff, J. Squier, T.B. Norris, C. Bliton, and B. Athey, “Real Time Two-Photon Confocal Microscopy Using a Femtosecond, Amplified Ti:sapphire System,” presented at the International Conference on Confocal and Near-Field Microscopy, Munich, Germany, 1994.
- 30. R. Merlin, S.H. Kwok, T.B. Norris, H.T. Grahn, K. Ploog, L.L. Bonilla, J. Galan, J.A. Cuesta, F.C. Martinez, and J.M. Molera, “Dynamics of Resonant Tunneling Domains in Superlattices: Theory and Experiment,” paper presented at International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Vancouver, 1994.
- 29. J. Son, J.-K. Rhee, T.B. Norris, and J.F. Whitaker, “Picosecond Dynamics of Transient Velocity Overshoot in Si Observed Using Terahertz Radiation Techniques,” paper QMF2, International Quantum Electronics Conference, Anaheim 1994.
- 28. S. Smith, B.G. Orr, R. Kopelman, and T.B. Norris, “Femtosecond Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope,” paper CTuM5, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Anaheim 1994.
- 27. J.-K. Rhee, T.B. Norris, Y. Arakawa, M. Nishioka, and C. Weisbuch, “Time-Resolved Study of Vacuum-Rabi Oscillations in a Semiconductor Microcavity, ” paper QThE2, International Quantum Electronics Conference, Anaheim 1994.
- 26. T.B. Norris, S.Smith, J. Nees, and S. Williamson, “High Speed Optical and Electronic Probes with High Spatial Resolution,” presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference on Surfaces and Interfaces in Mesoscopic Devices, Keauhou-Kona, Hawaii, 1994.
- 25. P.B. Klein, T.B. Norris, R.N. Bhargava, and D. Gallagher, “Picosecond Host-Impurity Energy Transfer Processes in Mn-Doped ZnS Nanocrystals,” presented at the 1994 APS March Meeting.
- 24. A. Afzali-Kushaa, G.I. Haddad, and T.B. Norris, “THz Sources Based on Intersubband Transitions,” Fourth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Los Angeles, CA, 1993.
- 23. A. Afzali-Kushaa, G.I. Haddad, and T.B. Norris, “On the Feasibility of Intersubband Transition Lasers,” IEEE/Cornell University Conference on Advanced Concepts in High Speed Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, Ithaca, 1993.
- 22. A. Afzali-Kushaa, G.I. Haddad, and T.B. Norris, Optically Pumped Intersubband Lasers,” International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, 1993.
- 21. T.B. Norris, J.-K. Rhee, C.Y. Sung, Y. Arakawa, M. Nishioka, and C. Weisbuch, “Time-Resolved Vacuum Rabi Oscillations in a Semiconductor Quantum Microcavity, “postdeadline paper QPD19 at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, 1993.
- 20. J.-K. Rhee, T. Sosnowski, T.B. Norris, W.S. Colburn, and P.A. Ulrich, “Chirped Pulse Amplification in an 0.5-MHz Ti:sapphire Regenerative Amplifier,” paper CFG6 at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, MD, 1993.
- 19. J. Son, W. Sha, J. Kim, T.B. Norris, J.F. Whitaker, and G.A. Mourou, “Picosecond Characteristics of Velocity Overshoot in GaAs up to 200 kV/cm,” paper QWG3 at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, 1993.
- 18. S.H. Kwok, T.B. Norris, R. Merlin, H.T. Grahn, and K. Ploog, “Kinetics of Domain Boundaries in GaAs Sequential Resonant Tunneling Structures,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 38, 813 (1993), proceedings of the 1993 March Meeting of APS.
- 17. J. Son, W. Sha, J. Kim, T.B. Norris, J.F. Whitaker, and G.A. Mourou, “Velocity Overshoot Dynamics in GaAs up to 200 kV/cm Observed Using Terahertz Radiation,” presented at the Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics Conference, San Francisco, 1993.
- 16. T.B. Norris, “Regenerative Amplification of Femtosecond Pulses in Ti:sapphire at >250 kHz,” postdeadline paper presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Anaheim, CA, 1992.
- 15. W. Sha, T.B. Norris, T. Motet, J.W. Burm, D. Woodard, and W.J. Schaff, “A Novel Detection Scheme for Terahaertz Radiation Using the Excitonic Electroabsorption Effect,” postdeadline paper presented at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Anaheim, CA, 1992.
- 14. W. Sha, J. Rhee, T.B. Norris, and W.J. Schaff, “Photoconductive Switching: Field and Carrier Dynamics,” presented at the XVIII International Quantum Electronics Conference, Vienna, 1992.
- 13. T.B. Norris, W. Sha, and W.J. Schaff, “Time-Resolved Optical Studies of High-Field Electron Transport in GaAs Semiconductor Structures,” presented at the SPIE Symposium on Compound Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Somerset, NJ, 1992.
- 12. W. Sha, T.B. Norris, W.J. Schaff, and K.E. Meyer, “Time-Resolved Observation of Quasi-Ballistic Acceleration of Electrons in Quantum Wells,” Semiconductor Science and Technology 7, B133 (1992), proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Hot Carriers in Semiconductors, Nara, Japan, July 1991.
- 11. W. Sha, T.B. Norris, W.J. Schaff, and K.E. Meyer, “Transient Studies of Ballistic Acceleration of Electrons in a GaAs Quantum-Well Structure,” postdeadline paper QPDP10 presented at the QELS conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1991.
- 10. T.B. Norris, W. Sha, W.J. Schaff, and X.J. Song, “Femtosecond Carrier Dynamics in Low-Temperature-MBE-Grown GaAs,” in Technical Digest, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1991), paper CTuG4.
- 9. W. Sha, T.B. Norris, W.J. Schaff, and K.E. Meyer, “Femtosecond Time-Resolved Studies of High-Field Parallel Transport in GaAs Quantum Wells,” postdeadline paper presented at the Quantum Optoelectronics Topical Meeting (Optical Society of America), Salt Lake City, March 1991.
- 8. T.B. Norris, W. Sha, W.J. Schaff, and X.J. Song, “Transient Absorption Studies of Low-Temperature-MBE-Grown GaAs,” in OSA Proceedings on Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, T.C.L.G. Sollner and J. Shah, eds., (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1991), vol. 9, p. 244.
- 7. T.B. Norris, N. Vodjdani, B. Vinter, C. Weisbuch, and G.A. Mourou, “Time-Resolved Observation of Luminescence from a Charge-Transfer State in Double Quantum Wells,” in Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, Proceedings of the OSA Topical Meeting on Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, March 1989, Salt Lake City, Utah, ed. by T.C.L.G. Sollner and D.M. Bloom, p.106.
- 6. T.B. Norris, X.J. Song, G. Wicks, W.J. Schaff, L.F. Eastman, and G.A. Mourou, “Electric Field Dependence at the Tunneling Escape Time of Electrons from a Quantum Well,” in Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, Proceedings of the OSA Topical Meeting on Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, March 1989, Salt Lake City, ed. by T.C.L.G. Sollner and D.M. Bloom, p. 121.
- 5. K. Meyer, T. Norris, M. Pessot, G. Mourou, R. Grondin, S. Chouman, M. Osman, and H. Grubin, “Study of Subpicosecond Hot Electron Transport in GaAs Using Transient Photoconductivity and Transient Absorption Spectroscopy,” Workshop on Femtosecond Physics in Semiconductors, sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, Tempe, Arizona (December,1987).
- 4. H. Elsayed-Ali, T. Norris, M. Pessot, and G. Mourou, “Femtosecond Time-Resolved Transmissivity of Laser Heated Thin Copper Films,” in Technical Digest, International Quantum Electronics Conference (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1986) paper #ThBB1.
- 3. T. Norris, I.N. Duling III, M. Pessot, T. Sizer II, J. Dawes, and G.A. Mourou, “Generation of Microjoule 65-fsec Pulses at High Repetition Rate,” in Technical Digest, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1985), paper#TUE4.
- 2. T. Norris, T. Sizer II, and G. Mourou, “Generation of 90-fsec Pulses with a CPM Laser Pumped by a Frequency-Doubled cw Mode-Locked Nd:YAG,” in Postdeadline Papers, Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Monterey, CA, 1984, and in Postdeadline Papers, International Quantum Electronics Conference, Anaheim, CA, 1984.
- 1. J.F. Whitaker, T. Norris, and G.A. Mourou, “Pulse Shaping in Dispersive Transmission Lines,” in Technical Digest, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1984), paper#FP4.