• S. Banerjee, A. R. Valenzuela, R. C. Shah, A. Maksimchuk and D. Umstadter, “High harmonic generation in plasmas by relativistic Thomson scattering,” Journal of Modern Optics 49, 2599 (2002).
  • D. Homoelle, A. Gaeta, V. Yanovsky, G. Mourou “Pulse contrast enhancement of high-energy pulses by use of a gas-filled hollow waveguide”, Opt. Lett. 27, 1646- 1648 (2002).
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  • G. Mourou, Z. Chang, A. Maksimchuk, J. Nees, S. V. Bulanov, V. Yu. Bychenkov, T. Zh. Esirkepov, N. M. Naumova, F. Pegoraro, and H. Ruhl, ”On the design of experiments for the study of relativistic nonlinear optics in the limit of single-cycle pulse duration and single-wavelength spot size,” Plasma Phys. Rep. 28, 12 (2002).
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  • H. H. Liu, J. Nees G. Mourou, “Directly diode-pumped Yb : KY(WO4)(2) regenerative amplifiers’” Opt. Lett. 27, 722-4 (2002).
  • H. Liu, J. Nees, G. Mourou, S. Biswal, G.J. Spuhler, U. Keller, N. V. Kuleshov, “Yb:KGd(WO4)2 chirped-pulse regenerative amplifiers,” Optics Communications. 203, 315-21 (2002).
  • J. E. Dominguez, X. Q. Pan, L. Fu, P. A. Van Rompay, Z. Zhang, J. A. Nees, P. P. Pronko, “Epitaxial SnO 2 thin films grown on (1012) sapphire by femtosecond pulsed laser deposition,” Journal of App. Phys. 91, 1060-5 (2002).